Fair Fee Pricing
We are quite possibly the only DWI Law Firm in Missouri, if not the Country, that gives any real indication on-line as to our pricing structure. Ultimately, pricing truly hinges on which of the 100+ courts that your legal matter is under the jurisdiction of.Each and every court has it's own approach to a DWI charge which has a direct impact on pricing.
The Attorney Fees for a DWI Nearly Always Vary Depending On Your Facts and Circumstances. Unfortunately, in addition to attorney fees you will often likely incur:
1) Time in Court Away From Job, 2) Fines For Companion Tickets, 3) Possible Court-Assigned Programs, 4) Probation Fees, 5) Court Costs, Etc.
First time offense in a municipality (non-state court), took breathalyzer at officer's request and defendant is now beyond 15 day temporary driving permit expiration time to request a hearing, no accident - Starting at $995
First time offense, took breathalyzer at officer's request and defendant is still within the 15 day temporary driving permit expiration, wishes to pursue an administrative hearing, no accident - Starting at $1495
Second time offense, took breathalyzer at officer's request and defendant is now beyond 15 day temporary driving permit expiration, no accident - Starting at $1495
Second time offense, took breathalyzer at officer's request and defendant is within the 15 day temporary driving permit expiration and defendant wishes to pursue an administrative hearing, no accident Starting at $1995
First offense, refused breathalyzer and defendant is within the 30 day period to contest the refusal revocation - Starting at $1995 (Plus court filing fees for the refusal contestation)
First offense, refused breathalyzer and defendant is beyond the 30 day period to contest the refusal revocation - Starting at $1495
You may choose to do depositions of your arresting officer(s), hire an expert to call procedures into question, appeal a bad administrative decision (which we do all of the time) and many other things that most occasional DWI attorneys may not even know are options.
There is no chance that you can achieve the best outcome in your case unless you have an attorney that knows Prosecutors, Local Courts, and Missouri’s DWI law back, forward, up and down.